Saturday, August 1, 2009

Amazing things happening in Ch*ina!!!

So as I start my journals from my trip, I first wanted to talk about some of the AMAZING people we met there. I so wish I could share the pictures so you could know who to pray for, but I don't want anything that I do to put these people into trouble, so I'm not going to post them on a public blog. Just trust me when I say that we met some of the most amazing people and we were all incredibly blessed by the time we spent with them, the stories they told us, and their FAITH in such a lost country. Let me begin with G. G was a woman who had a very good job. Then, 13 years ago, she adopted her beautiful daughter, H. I am guessing that something about that adoption opened her eyes to the need that out there... because a year later, she started her orphanage out of her two bedroom apartment. Over these past 12 years, she has had about 15-20 kids in the apartment. She pulled out a photo book to show us and as we flipped through the pages, we were all in tears. She pointed out how sickly the kids were... literally DYING. She took them in and they flourished in the home-like surroundings that G. provided. Many of those kids have since been adopted... the same kids that had no chance, that she was told to not even try... they would never make it were living in England, Canada, the US, etc... living normal lives as healthy kids... something you would never believe having looked at their picture from the day they came. G loved Jesus and it was evident. She said that no one understands WHY she does what she does. She said her answer is so obvious... if she didn't, they'd die. No one cares and if she didn't care for them, then no one would. I think that is an amazing woman... she is in her 60s and is living in a two bedroom apartment with 20 children. She does have a cook and two workers- one during the day, one at night. But, she's doing this because she adores her Creator and is listening to his command of caring for the ORPHANS in their distress!

We had a little schedule worked out... we'd come to the orphanage in the morning and leave as they were getting ready to eat lunch, so that they could eat and nap a little. Then we would go eat. After lunch, we'd come back to the orphanage until they were getting ready for dinner, so they could eat dinner and go to bed. Most of those meals, we had people to meet, which was so special. I had no idea that we were going to hear real-life stories from people who LOVE Jesus in a country that doesn't allow it. Ohh and how blessed I was by those stories. So let me tell you about S. and F.

We met S. and F. at a delicious restaurant, that we called, "The Green and White Restaurant." When you can't read Chinese, you come up with creative names like that ;). Anyway, just looking at the two young women, you could see a special spark in their eyes. Listening to their words, you could just see the passion they had for their Father. S. leads a "home club" in her apartment. Their are 80-90 people in regular attendance. Every. Single. Week. She said she has had to learn to TRUST. Her landlord knows, but has agreed to not say anything. God provided her with loud, gambling neighbors, so they never care about the noise. And so, each week, she and 80-90 other people worship HIM. However, because 80-90 people don't fit in her apartment, she is mentoring F. to follow her footsteps and lead another "home club." S. and F. were awesome to talk to. You listen to stories like those and jut kick yourself... at least I did. Because here we are, with a Church on every street corner and we take it so for granted. They have to risk everything and yet, the worship with passion and hearts overflowing with praise. Those are beautiful people.

One night at dinner, we met another lady, J. J. worked a lot with the college age kids, knowing that it's those kids that are going to soon define the generation. She works with them, loves on them, provides little meetings where they can "practice their English" and share the gospel with them, etc. For the past few years, she has felt called to go out west. However, it is very dangerous. She kept praying about it and asking Him to give her a clear answer. He kept doing things that were very clear signs to her. She is going out west THIS month... out to where their is death, fighting, killing, etc. She knows that she may die there... yet she said, that she will be dying for HIM, so she will die if that is His plan. I heard that and my eye welled with tears. You just don't hear that any more... you don't hear people risking everything, risking their lives for Him. PLEASE, PLEASE pray for J. as she goes later this month. She is an amazing woman and she soo needs those prayers.

We met a man who leads music at a "home club." An amazing, inspiring man... a man who wears a ring that says, "Fear God" in a country that doesn't allow Him. He's risking everything to lead music at a place where worshipping isn't allowed. Once again, I listened to this and wondered WHY I take WORSHIP and SINGING so for granted! Beautiful ways of praising Him...

Lastly, we met D. and Mr. J. We were once again inspired and brought to tears by them. Mr. J. has been beaten and jailed 7 times. The po*lice used to come to his daughters house weekly to search for him. He has just gone from place to place. He doesn't come out much and rarely shows his face in public... and yet, he came to dinner with us. Trusted us with the story of what our Father is doing in his life... in the life of running an under*ground sem*in*ary. So I tell you, if you ever hear someone say that there is no persecution in Ch*ina... don't believe it. That's just what they want us to think. But I can tell you firsthand that there is.

So I ask you to, as we would say, YARP. (think backwards... yes, we had to code everything having to do with Chris*tianity when we were there.)


  1. Emily, what a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing. Your stories brought tears to my eyes. I hope you are feeling better.
    Hugs from FL

  2. I love this!!!

    I think that was the most amazing thing about my time in Africa as well...the time we spent getting to know the PEOPLE! I came to realize...that people are people everywhere. Does that even make since??! Anyway...I have very special relationships with some of the men from Uganda that i cherish oh so much! And when they send me emails my heart fills with such joy!!!!!

    People are people everywhere...whether in China, America or Africa!! Its amazing the people and stories you meet and hear!

